Well, it's that time again! It's time to get ready to pack up and ship out! It's time to hit the road again. When I think about this time of the year and the ups and downs that all proffessional basketball players dread in the off season, I remember this scriptur to keep me motivated "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" Ecclesiastes 3:1; Now is the time to crank it up a knotch and begin my labors working on my weak points and expanding on my stregths as a basketball player and as a man.
My son has visited me for the past 3 weeks, building a strong bond between the two of us that will not be broken during the course of a long basketball season. My name has been entered on the DLeague draft board for this upcomming season, and I have a idea of who may draft me. I am very excited about having the chance to prove myself once again.
People want me to come work out with them from all over the country! I just have'nt had a opportunity to nail down a location. I am getting ready to assist the Orlando Magic in puting on a basketball clinic in the Caymen Islands next week and I am very excited about being able to practice with some of the players,coaches, and the people of the Island. Last night I spoke with Jeff Fuller on his radio show in Vermont about my sucess last year and the different options I have this summer. All of these opportunities kind of came out of nowhere so I have to say always be ready so you dont have to get ready! This is Benson Callier OWT!!!!